报告题目:Breaking and Reforming: The Key to Structurally Ordered Polymeric Architectures and Recyclable Materials via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry
报告时间:2024年5月22日 14:30-15:30
报 告 人:张伟 教授
主 持 人:赵晓民 教授
张伟博士于2000年获得北京大学化学学士学位;2005年在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)获化学博士学位(导师Prof. Jeffrey S. Moore);后在麻省理工学院(MIT)进行博士后工作(导师Prof. Timothy Swager);2008后就职于科罗拉多大学(博尔德主校区, University of Colorado Boulder),并分别于2014年和2018年晋升为副教授和教授。于2018年起任化学系副主任,并于2022年起任系主任。张伟博士研究的主要方向是基于动态共价化学开发可以广泛应用于环境,能源和生物等领域的新型有机或复合功能材料,例如用于碳捕获,分子分离,纳米复合,催化,储能以及自修复可闭环回收等功能材料。相关成果发表在Nat. Chem., Nat. Syn., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Nat. Commun., Nat. Rev. Chem., Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev.等国际知名杂志。
Dynamic covalent chemistry (DCvC) has proven to be highly effective toward the construction of well-defined molecular and polymeric architectures. The error-correction mechanism enabled by the reversible formation of dynamic covalent bonds leads to the formation of structurally ordered, thermodynamically favored species. One such example is the solvothermal synthesis of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) with periodic structural order and low defect density. The chemical compositions of such frameworks are usually well-defined and inter-monomer connectivity (covalent bonding) is robust. Bottom-up synthesis of covalently linked polymers through DCvC has many critical advantages, such as easy tunability of functional and structural properties in a controlled fashion through rational design of the precursors, formation of highly stable linkages, minimized structural defect, and possible access to sophisticated architectures that are hard to obtain otherwise. This talk will focus on our recent progress in the development of three types of DCvC, namely alkyne metathesis, spiroborate exchange and dynamic nucleophilic aromatic substitution (DySNAr). These powerful synthetic tools enabled the bottom-up design and synthesis of novel polymeric materials, such as unprecedented single-crystal DNA-like helical covalent polymers (HCPs), 2D/3D open frameworks, and closed-loop recyclable thermosets.